Last Blast Podcast

Last Blast Podcast

The Intercooler brings to you a new exciting podcast titled, Last Blast, sponsored by Footman James. As a Classic Dashboard reader, you can listen to a teaser of each podcast episode, the full episodes are available when you subscribe to The Intercooler.

Each episode features a single guest, each among the most globally admired in their field, be they a racing driver, engineer, car designer or company boss, all among the occupations of the stars of series one. But these are more than mere interviews. There is a specific purpose to each, which is to persuade them to name the car in which they would choose to have their ‘Last Blast’.

Not only that, but they must also tell hosts and The Intercooler writers Andrew Frankel and Dan Prosser where that drive would take place and with whom it would be. Each will also talk about their first car, their first crash and the first time they drove on a race track. To help them on their way, each guest is allowed to nominate and discuss the six cars from which his or her final choice will be drawn. These can be machines they have owned, raced, driven or simply pinned on their bedroom walls as kids. And if one or more of those choices are cars they designed or engineered themselves, that’s fine too. The guests will also talk about their life and work along the way. 

You can subscribe to The Intercooler with a 30 day free trial and then £4.99 a month to get access to the full episodes here.